Wednesday 1 May 2013

Santiago's Pollution

Santiago's Pollution

Hello people!
Today i'm going to talk about the pollution in Santiago.

When we say "pollution in Santiago", most of people usually associate this expression  with air pollution. Nevertheless, though this problem exists and is worrying enough, the air pollution is not the only form of pollution that concerns our city. 
In fact, when we look at our Mapocho river we can see that it's contaminated, and the noise levels, specially near the roads and biggest avenues
If we talk about the smog problem, we can say that it's strongly on winter months, because in winter takes place the thermal inversion, a meteorological phenomenon whereby a stable layer of warm air holds down colder air close to the ground. This higger smog levels and the cold and winter dampness give place to a significant increase of respiratory diseases, overcoat among the children and the elders.